Seafarers $120M unpaid wages

šŸ’øšŸ˜®recovered by ITF

Also in this Weekā€™s edition:

  1. Seafarers $120M unpaid wages recovered by ITF

  2. This one thing you need as a seafarer

  3. Book for your sea career

  4. Maritime Contents for you

  5. Job Listings for Seafarers (TME/OS/All crew & officers Job available)

Seafarers $120M unpaid wages recovered by ITF

Inspectors from the International Transport Workersā€™ Federation (ITF) have been unsung heroes, working diligently to protect seafarers' rights. The figures published on World Maritime Day are nothing short of astounding. Between 2020 and 2022, ITF inspectors recovered a staggering USD $118,529,663 in wages owed to seafarers. That's nearly $120 million given back to those who keep our seas alive.

A Year of Triumph in 2022 Alone!

In 2022, more than USD $36 million was paid back to seafarers, marking a year of tremendous triumph. These funds were rightfully restored to the brave souls who traverse the oceans.

Advocates for Seafarers' Rights

ITF inspectors, the champions of justice on the high seas, serve as beacons of hope for seafarers. They board vessels, educate mariners about their rights, and identify any violations of crew contracts, national laws, or international conventions. They don't stop there; they work tirelessly with authorities to ensure that seafarers' rights are upheld.

2022: A Year of Reporting and Resolution

In 2022, 2,199 breach of contract cases were reported by seafarers to the ITF. The most common grievance? Non-payment of wages. Seafarers, whose dedication powers the maritime industry, sometimes faced the cruel ordeal of unpaid salaries.

ITF's Dedication in Numbers

  • 8,667 ship inspections conducted worldwide in 2022.

  • 1,878 of these were in response to seafarers' cries for help.

  • 3,771 were routine and responsive inspections aimed at maintaining international standards.


While we are proud that our inspectors have been successful in recovering almost $120 million for seafarers in the last three years, itā€™s unfortunate that we need to address wage underpayments at all. We would prefer to see all seafarers paid in full, and paid on time in the first place.

David Heindel, ITF Seafarersā€™ Section Chair and President of the Seafarers International Union

Return to Active Inspections

Pandemic-related restrictions had temporarily slowed the pace of inspections, but ITF is witnessing a strong return to active and regular inspections. The fight for seafarers' rights continues undeterred.

Gadget must have for your next ship

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Book for better sea careerĀ 

Hereā€™s exactly what this book will show you how to do:

  • A revolutionary approach to enhancing productivity, creating flow, and vastly increasing your ability to capture, remember, and benefit from the unprecedented amount of information all around us.

Found this book here

Contents we have shared this week


Job Listings available

We wrap up this week here. If you wish to feature in our next Newsletter, DM us your Best Photos of Life at sea or a Meme if you make, send it on our Instagram or Mail us at [email protected]. If you have any suggestions for us feel free to mail us or DM us.

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