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  • 🛳Have you visited eighth wonder of the world?👇🏽

🛳Have you visited eighth wonder of the world?👇🏽

_a_ama Canal?? Guess it

Also in this Week’s edition:

  1. Panama Canal, eighth wonder of the world!

  2. This one thing you need as a seafarer

  3. Book for your sea career

  4. Maritime Contents for you

  5. Job Listings for Seafarers (Engine Cadet Job available)

Panama Canal, eighth wonder of the world!

The Panama Canal: a true marvel of engineering, a conduit of global trade, and a testament to human ambition. This man-made wonder has carved its path through history, revolutionizing international shipping, and reshaping the world economy. Let's embark on a journey through time, exploring the captivating evolution of the Panama Canal.

A Watery Dream: The Vision Takes Shape

From Dreams to Reality: The Birth of an Idea

Imagine a maritime shortcut connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, eliminating the treacherous voyage around the southern tip of South America. It was a dream that ignited imagination. In 1513, Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa first envisioned the possibility of a waterway across the narrow isthmus of Panama.

Mega Locks: The Panama Canal features a series of three locks—Gatun, Pedro Miguel, and Miraflores—each an engineering masterpiece that uses gravity to move ships through varying water levels.

The French Connection: A Bold Attempt

Setting Sail for Success: The French Enter the Scene

Fast forward to the late 19th century, and the French took up the challenge under the leadership of Ferdinand de Lesseps, who had successfully built the Suez Canal. The audacious venture, however, was plagued by harsh conditions, rampant disease, and challenging terrain. Despite the spirit of innovation, the project came to a halt, leaving the world wondering if such a feat was truly achievable.

American Ingenuity Prevails: Engineering Triumph

Turning the Tide: America's Enterprising Effort

In 1904, the United States stepped onto the global stage to tackle the seemingly insurmountable task. Led by visionary engineers like John F. Stevens and later George W. Goethals, the Americans focused on disease prevention, advanced excavation techniques, and the revolutionary concept of locks to lift and lower ships through elevation changes.

Waterway Wonders: The canal saves an average of 7,800 miles (12,500 kilometers) on a sea voyage between New York and San Francisco, greatly reducing travel time and fuel consumption.

Navigating Modernity: 21st Century Advancements

Staying Relevant: The Canal's Ongoing Evolution

The story of the Panama Canal doesn't end with its completion in 1914. As the world evolves, so does this remarkable feat of engineering. In 2016, the canal underwent a significant expansion known as the Panama Canal Expansion Program. This expansion introduced a new set of locks, known as the "Panama Canal locks," capable of accommodating even larger vessels, aptly named "New Panamax" ships.

Environmental Balance: In recent years, the Panama Canal Authority has implemented measures to reduce its ecological impact, such as water-saving basins that recycle up to 60% of the water used in each transit.

Economic Engine: Powering Global Trade

Fueling Prosperity: The Canal's Economic Significance

The Panama Canal is more than a waterway; it's an economic powerhouse. It generates substantial revenue through tolls, serving as a lifeline for international commerce. Countries around the world depend on this gateway to transport goods efficiently and affordably, making it a linchpin in the global supply chain.

Into the Future: A Legacy of Progress

Charting New Waters: The Canal's Ongoing Legacy

As we sail into the future, the Panama Canal remains a beacon of progress. Its legacy endures, a reminder of human ingenuity and our ability to reshape the world around us. From its humble beginnings to its status as a global trade titan, the canal's story continues to inspire generations, leaving an indelible mark on our shared history.

Ships of All Sizes: The Panama Canal's locks can accommodate a wide range of vessel sizes, from small yachts to massive container ships, known as "Panamax" vessels.

So, the next time you see a massive cargo ship gracefully glide through the locks or you are passing through the Panama Canal, remember the journey that brought us the Panama Canal—an enduring symbol of innovation and unity across continents.

Share your photos or videos passing through Panama Canal by replying to this mail, and i will put it in the story section of our Instagram page, make sure to give your instagram username too.

Marinesthing Instagram

This one thing you need as a Seafarer

Mini Belt Bag

Sign on, Sign off or Shore leave we sailors have to carry various documents like cdc , passport which we have to show to various authorities,

its frustrating i know

and its more frustrating when we have to unzip the heavy bag every time just to show the document.

Here is the hack for you to never frustrate and enjoy the process. This simple small bag below your belt helps you. Zip it unzip it whatever you do its simple and easy because its in front of you and small.

Buy it here

Book I am reading this week

Here’s exactly what this book will show you how to do:

  • How To Charge a Lot More Than You Currently Are…

  • How To Make Your Product So Good, Prospects Find A Way To Pay For It

  • How To Enhance Your Offer So Much, Prospects Buy Without Hesitating


  • and so much more…

Found this book here

Contents we have shared this week



Job Listings available

We wrap up this week here. If you wish to feature in our next Newsletter, DM us your Best Photos of Life at sea or a Meme if you make, send it on our Instagram or Mail us at [email protected]. If you have any suggestions for us feel free to mail us or DM us.

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