3400 ships, 25K seafarers saved

🛟by Indian Navy since 2008

Also in this Week’s edition:

  1. Indian Navy's Watchful Eye Saves 3,440 Ships and 25,000 Seafarers Since 2008

  2. This one thing you need as a seafarer

  3. Book for your sea career

  4. Maritime Contents for you

  5. Job Listings for Seafarers (TME/OS/All crew & officers Job available)

Indian Navy's Watchful Eye Saves 3,440 Ships and 25,000 Seafarers Since 2008

Since 2008, the Indian Navy has been at the forefront of maritime security efforts, deploying numerous units in strategic locations such as the Gulf of Aden and the east coast of Africa to conduct anti-piracy patrols. This proactive stance has been instrumental in safeguarding over 3,440 ships and protecting the lives of more than 25,000 seafarers.

Responding to the Call of Duty

In recent years, the Indian Navy has encountered several instances of piracy, with seven reported cases of vessel hijackings. One such incident involved the merchant vessel Lila Norfolk, where 21 crew members, including 15 Indian nationals, found themselves in the clutches of pirates. Additionally, hijackings of fishing vessels, such as the IMAN and the AI Naeemi, underscore the pervasive threat faced by maritime operators.

Mission-Based Deployments: A Strategic Approach

Recognizing the critical need to maintain maritime security, the Indian Navy undertakes mission-based deployments in key areas of interest within the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). These deployments not only enhance maritime domain awareness but also enable rapid response to emerging contingencies.

Strengthening Collaborative Efforts

In pursuit of a collective approach to maritime security, the Indian Navy actively collaborates with regional and extra-regional navies. Through initiatives such as Joint Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) patrols, bilateral and multilateral maritime exercises, and coordinated patrols (CORPATs) with friendly nations, the Navy fosters a network of cooperation aimed at countering non-conventional threats effectively.

Harnessing Technology for Enhanced Vigilance

To bolster its maritime surveillance capabilities, India has established the Information Fusion Centre-Indian Ocean Region (IFC-IOR). This center serves as a hub for real-time information exchange, connecting with 25 partner countries and over 40 international organizations to facilitate timely response to maritime threats.

Unwavering Commitment to Safety

In response to the evolving maritime security landscape, the Indian Navy remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding the seas. Through continuous deployment in high-risk areas such as the Gulf of Aden, the North and Central Arabian Seas, and off the coast of Somalia, the Navy stands ready to protect merchant vessels and provide assistance whenever the need arises.

In essence, the Indian Navy's unwavering resolve and strategic initiatives play a pivotal role in preserving the integrity of maritime trade routes and ensuring the safety of seafarers in the vast expanses of the ocean.

Gadget must have for your next ship

Mini Belt Bag

Sign on, Sign off or Shore leave we sailors have to carry various documents like cdc , passport which we have to show to various authorities,

its frustrating i know

and its more frustrating when we have to unzip the heavy bag every time just to show the document.

Here is the hack for you to never frustrate and enjoy the process. This simple small bag below your belt helps you. Zip it unzip it whatever you do its simple and easy because its in front of you and small.

Buy it here

Book for better sea career 

Here’s exactly what this book will show you how to do:

  • A revolutionary approach to enhancing productivity, creating flow, and vastly increasing your ability to capture, remember, and benefit from the unprecedented amount of information all around us.

Found this book here

Contents we have shared this week


Job Listing Available

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